Shaving Instructions

So you've bought a Manly Shaving Mug Set, what's next?  Print out these easy instructions to follow or include with the set when giving as a gift.

Shaving with Brush and Shaving Soap

Happy shaving from
1. Put your shaving soap in the mug.  It should be left in the mug until used up or replaced.  (some come with soap already melted in place)

2. Wash you face thoroughly and be sure to dry your face completely.  Since you are using shaving soap and not shaving cream the shaving soap will lather better with a clean, dry face.

3. Fill your sink with a warm/hot water to an inch below the handle and let the water soak the bristles only.  Water penetrates and is held better in still water rather than running water.

4.   Take the brush out of the water.  Do not wring out the brush or knock all the water out.  Just shake it a bit over the sink.  Then, put the brush directly on the soap and swirl around in the mug.  Develop a good lather in the mug and on the brush.

5.  Apply the brush to your whiskers in a vigorous circular motion.  This will soften you whiskers as well as stand them up ready for your blade.  You'll get a closer and more comfortable shave.  Don't worry if the soap doesn't get that monster lather like shaving cream.  Soap is not designed to get that kind of lather nor does it need to.

6.  Shave as you normally would, use your favorite razor.  When you are finished rinse you face with hot water.

7.  Rinse your shaving brush and store the brush for drying.  Don't store it upside down.  Water gets on the handle between the bristles.  This can loosen the bristles and promotes mold.

8.  Ideally, try to hang you brush from a brush holder.  If you have no brush holder you can sit it right in the mug, bristles down.  This will eventually bend you bristles so rotate each use.

 To print:  Highlight  desired text, right mouse click, choose print, choose "selection" in print box, click print.